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A unique combination of technological infrastructure and expertise in R&D to meet the demands of the energy transition.
Liten is a major European research institute and a driving force behind the development of the sustainable energy technologies of the future. The institute is spearheading the EU's efforts to limit dependency on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in three key areas : renewable energy, energy efficiency/storage and development of materials.
Additional Info 
Vidéo de présentation de l'entreprise / Company video introduction
Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochure
14h00 - 15h20
Wed 24/01/2024
24/01/2024 14:00:00
salle/room : Circulaire/Circular

14:00  Sustainable fuels : from disruptive technologies to demonstration projects, Cea Litten
14:20  Prospects of BECCU in Finland: on a path of becoming a forerunner in carbon capture?, Bioenergia RY
14:40  The future of biogenic CO2 certification, ERGaR
15:00  Open to the floor


Thibault CANTAT
Program Leader for Carbon Circular Economy
Secretary General
European Renewable Gas Registry ERGaR
Specialist carbon removal & CCUS
BIOENERGIA RY The Finnish Bioenergy Association

15h30 - 17h30
Wed 24/01/2024
24/01/2024 15:30:00
salle/room : Gaz vert/Green gas

Power-to-methane is a technology that combines renewable, low-carbon hydrogen with CO₂, thereby producing synthetic methane. This technology makes it possible to recover biogenic CO₂ from methanization and accelerate the decarbonization of grid gas.
15:30  Conference introduction, ATEE - Club power-to-gas
15:45  Catalytic CO₂ methanation - Challenges and opportunities for the biogas industry in Germany, Fraunhofer IMM
16:05  Occibiom project, Arkolia
16h25  Métharen project, CEA
16h45  Methanation in Power-to-Gas: Biological and Catalytic, Hitachi Zosen Inova
17:05  Open to the floor


Geneviève GEFFRAYE
Research Engineer
Yannick SAINT
Sales Manager Renewable Gas
Hitachi Zosen Inova

14h00 - 15h00
Thu 25/01/2024
25/01/2024 14:00:00
salle/room : Forum

FRENCH ONLY - no simultaneous translation

14h00 Gazéification hydrothermale
- Les gisements d’intérêt, et un cas concret : étude de gisement sur le territoire PACA, S3D
- catalyseur de la R&D pour lever des verrous techniques sur la Gazéification Hydrothermale - présentation de la chaine technique et des verrous adressés lors du programme Gazhyvert, et quelques éléments technico-économiques, GRDF
- R&D : CEA, acteur R&D en soutien de la filière française : premiers résultats, équipements et innovations, CEA
- Conclusion à 3 voies : Perspective d’un démonstrateur
14h45  Echanges avec la Salle