11, rue de Monceau
75008   Paris
Phone Number: +33 1 58 12 12 40
Website: www.2bsvs.org

Sustainability certification
2BS supports fuel and biomass producers and traders in their sustainability certification. For over 10 years, 2BS has been valuing virtuous agricultural approaches and developing technical know-how in partnership with experts from the agricultural world. We propose guidelines that are easy to implement.
2BS certification is recognized by the European Commission.
15h00 - 16h00
Wed 24/01/2024
24/01/2024 15:00:00
salle/room : Forum

No simultaneous translation
15h00  Les enjeux de la standardisation face à une montée en puissance de la filière, Prodeval (french)
15h20  Certification de durabilité biogaz - conformité à la RED II, 2BS

Caroline ABA
Responsable Commerciale