C/ Orense 11, Nivel 2, Of. I Madrid, España.
28020   MADRID
Phone Number: +34 917 428 755

Of all the concepts of biomass valuations,combustion remains the first solution on the market for the production of green energy. Many combustion systems are available. Few of them are designed to enhance various types of biomass in the same unit. The technology presented by BERKES gives a reliable and innovative approach to this problem. Two combustion systems are available (they can be used simultaneously): A cyclonic chamber for small dry biomass called Torsional Chamber (eg seed hulls, straw, sawmill dust, ...) and a Gasifier for large and / or wet biomass (eg wood chips, wood logs, wood waste, B-wood, SRF...). Both are connected to the same boiler and the same flue gas treatment.The technology has the highest energy efficiency and meets the most stringent environmental regulations. BERKES has many references to multi-fuel units in France and in the world.