Armatec GmbH & Co KG

88353   Kisslegg
Phone Number: +49 75 63 / 90 90 2 - 0
Facsimile: +49 75 63 / 90 90 2 - 299

The company ARMATEC FTS GmbH & Co. KG based in Kisslegg / Allgäu was founded in 1965 and is one of the leading companies in the fields of STIRRING – PUMPING – MOVING. In addition to various agitator system solutions and pumps, ARMATEC also manufactures solid dozers, separators and pipe inline cutters for agriculture, biogas plants, sewage and wastewater and industrial sectors. The modern production is equipped with CNC turning and milling machines as well as welding cabins. There are currently 30 highly qualified employees and the large number of different components for biogas plants are installed worldwide.
The goal is to continuously develop their decades of know-how in the field of moving liquids and viscous media to continuously develop new solutions and to adapt the products to future application possibilities in a technically sensible way.
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Catalogue Produits / Product Catalogue