Sustainable Workspaces, Third Floor, Riverside Building, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road
Great Britain
Phone Number: +44 (0)20 37160503

The World Biogas Association (WBA), launched in November 2016 at COP22, represents the anaerobic digestion and biogas industry at a global level. It acts as a voice for the industry worldwide to raise awareness of biogas technology and to drive policy and regulatory change that will support the growth of the industry. WBA works alongside international associations, government bodies and influencers to bring together experts from across the world to share best practice, innovations and research. WBA membership enables you to be part of the biggest global community demonstrating the contribution that biogas makes across all sectors; share knowledge and learning; build a network of partners and clients; get support in developing projects, reducing costs and securing funding. WBA publishes market research, provides policy, regulatory and technical advice, and offers a number of networking opportunities to help members to grow their business.
Additional Info 
Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochure
Catalogue Produits / Product Catalogue
Illustration produits & services / Product & service illustration
Descriptif / The Story
Le World Biogas Summit est le seul forum stratégique entièrement consacré au biogaz et à la méthanisation et à son potentiel à relever les défis mondiaux tels que le changement climatique, et la crise energétique. Par le passé, il a accueilli Stéphane Le Foll, ancien Ministre de l’Agriculture et porte-parole du gouvernement Hollande, Edouard Sauvage, PDG de GRDF, ainsi que des représentants de la Maison Blanche, de l’UNFCCC, de la World Bank, du Congrès Americain et de la Climate and Clean Air Coalition.