
From 30/03/2022 to 31/03/2022   Venue : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes

Joséphine GIGON
Account Manager
Beta Analytic
My background is in geology, and I am now working for 3 years for Beta Analytic, a lab specialised in the isotopic analyses of carbon. This can be applied to dating with carbon 14 (geologists and archeologists), but also to products that are partly made of biomass-derived raw materials (bioplastics, biofuels, waste fuels, CO2, ...) to determine the percentage of the carbon in the product that comes from the biomass, vs from petroleum-derived sources.

District heating and cooling
30/03/2022 at 14:00

14:00  Via Seva (fr)
14:30  Ramboll (dk)
14:55  Dall Energy (dk)
15:15  Echanges avec la Salle
15:35  Conclusion

15:40  Pause (20 mins)

16:00  Radscan (se)
16:20  Swep (se)
16:40  KPA Unicorn (fi)
17:00  Beta Analytic (us)
17:20  Conclusion

Bio360 2025 - Speakers - Speaker