
From 08/02/2023 to 09/02/2023   Venue : Parc de la Beaujoire, Nantes

Director of Environment and Regulatory
Craig is a consulting engineer with over 25 years in mining, industrial and solid waste sectors, and manages environmental approvals and market development for carbon commodities and drawdown credits with SEATA. Craig is a member of the Executive and Technical Advisory Boards of the Australian and New Zealand Biochar Industry Group (ANZBIG), and led the industry’s submissions to the Australian Government to include carbon negative biomaterials in proposed new CCUS methods for the Australian Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). He has two young children who regularly provide the drive to act on climate change.

The BioHydrogen trail blazers - conversion pathways of solid biomass and non-renewable waste streams to biohydrogen
09/02/2023 at 14:00

14h00  Hydrogen from waste-to-energy plants: A contribution to decarbonisation and national energy security?, Hitachi Zosen Innova (ch)
14h20  Green hydrogen from non-recyclable waste, Plagazi (se)
14h40  Boson Energy (lu)
15h00  Hydrogen with Benefits – carbon negative clean syngas and biochar from multiple feedstocks, at distributed or centralised scale, Seata Group (au)
15h20  Green Hydrogen from biomass by WoodRoll®, Cortus (se)
15h40  Haffner Energy (fr)
16h00  Gasification project of wood pellets for the production of biohydrogen, S3D
16h20  Waste energy recovery project on the island of Martinique. SRF production unit and production of hydrogen by gasification of this fuel, S3D

World Views : The Emerging Australia New Zealand Biochar Industry
08/02/2023 at 14:00

ANZ Biochar Industry Group (ANZBIG) will host a panel discussion on the emerging industry in the region. Topics covered include ANZ Innovative technology, projects and international biochar carbon removal credits as well as world leading research on bespoke biochars such as liquid and biochar mineral complexes. We will also launch our Biochar Industry 2030 Roadmap to a New Carbon Economy.

Bio360 2025 - Speakers - Speaker