MAVITEC GREEN ENERGY GALILEISTRAAT 32 1704 SE Heerhugowaard Pays-Bas Site Web: Food Waste Management Maximize the value of your food waste! Mavitec Green Energy is specialized in food waste and depackaging solutions that provide the highest separation results in the market. The Paddle Depacker separates the organic material from the packaging and complies to latest European legislation. This innovative depackaging machine produces the cleanest organic output (>99,7% clean!) which is extremely suitable for biogas & compost installations. Activités Gestion de déchets Préparation et traitement du substrat Gazéification (biochar) Infos supplémentaires Vidéo de présentation de l'entreprise / Company video introduction Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochureOuvrir | Télécharger MAVITEC GREEN ENERGY Retour à la liste