
14h00 - 15h00
Wed 08/02/2023
08/02/2023 14:00:00
salle/room : Biochar

ANZ Biochar Industry Group (ANZBIG) will host a panel discussion on the emerging industry in the region. Topics covered include ANZ Innovative technology, projects and international biochar carbon removal credits as well as world leading research on bespoke biochars such as liquid and biochar mineral complexes. We will also launch our Biochar Industry 2030 Roadmap to a New Carbon Economy.

10h00 - 13h00
Thu 09/02/2023
09/02/2023 10:00:00
salle/room : Biochar

Exemplary Case Studies : biochar from woody-residues
10:00  Reverse is the new forward, Syncraft and Bioenergie Frauenfeld

10:25  Pyrocore
10:45  Decarbonisation of industry with biomass, Etia
11:05  Biochar on the farm and small woodland, Woodtek Engineering
11:25  Pause
Exemplary Case Studies : biochar from agri-residues
11:40  Biochar's potential in the tropics, Net Zero
12:00  ECHO2: Economic Fuel Gas. Certified Carbon Removal, Rainbow Bee Eater

12:20  Pyrolysis of residues with cost-effective technologies driven by the carbon sequestration market, ARTi
12:40  Carbonization of High Moisture Biowaste including Digestate, Manure, and Biosolids, Biomass Controls PBC