44850   MOUZEIL
Phone Number: 02 40 72 12 30

French manufacturer of recycled elastomer products, Bioret Agri specialises in animal well-being and comfort.
French manufacturer of recycled elastomer products, Bioret Agri specialises in animal well-being and comfort. Since its creation in 1993, the company has been developing comfort technologies to reduce animal stress and favour their productivity. With the ambitious goals to go further, Bioret Agri continuously innovate and improve its high-value and eco-designed products and solutions. Particularly with the Aquaclim Thermodynamic mattress which extracts heat from the animal to turns it into eco-energy: hot water, hot air, a new economical energy available year around. The company holds more than a hundred industrial property titles, patents, designs, or French and international trademarks. Nearly a third of the annual innovation budget is devoted to "Industrial Property".
Additional Info 
Vidéo de présentation de l'entreprise / Company video introduction
Brochure de l'Entreprise / Company brochure
Illustration produits & services / Product & service illustration
Descriptif / The Story
Présentation d'un élevage à Bain de Bretagne. La chaleur de la vache est transformée en Eco énergie grâce à l'AquaClim Thermodynamique. L’unité de méthanisation de la SARL C2PN Ergie, exploitation familiale depuis 3 généra-tions gérée par Philippe et Catherine LEDUC, produit près de 6 millions de kWh de gaz vert par an et procure du bien-être aux vaches laitières grâce aux matelas à eau climatisants : une première mondiale !